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IAP: Independent Activities Period

Dr. Piyawat Louilarpprasert
Composer, Assistant Professor of composition, bowling Green State University


Dr. Duhan Zhang
Engineer, Postdoctoral Associate, MITEI Fellow

Monday, January 8, 22, and 29, 2024 

Virtual Event: 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

The three-week course delves into advanced sound production techniques for creating music, utilizing a combination of physical materials and digital tools, including basic Arduino programming, Ableton Live, and miniAudicle software. Participants will explore innovative approaches to composition, with a focus on crafting new music, designing installations, and engaging with electronic music.


This is a virtual workshop and we will have a brief performance session in each class. If you want to join the performance, please bring your instruments and electronics.


This class is organized by Duhan Zhang & Piyawat Louilarpprasert. Please feel free to email with questions and accommodation needs.


Week 1:

Fundamental of Music, inspiration from Machine to Sound and Digitalization

- Musical Aesthetic in Music and Machine, a brief history
- Creating sound through Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), using Audacity (free software)

Week 2:

Sound Art,

Coding and Music

- rethinking sound, making composition
- creating music with numbers and codes, using mini Audicle chuck (free software)

Week 3:Collaboration, Integration and Discussion on Sound Installation

- presentation on a new mechanical installation
- collaboration and between composers, engineers, and visual artists
- round table discussion and performance/demonstration

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