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Multidisciplinary Performance of Interactive Installation and Media

Composer/Sound Installation Artist: Piyawat Louilarpprasert
Engineer/ Visual Artist: Duhan Zhang
Immersion Lab: Praneeth Namburi

Collaborative Performers: Dan Antoniu and Matthew Petrulavage

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Our Project and Goals

The project, titled "Parallel," is a multidisciplinary performance project—combining mechanical installations, multimedia, visual arts and electronics, the composition explores the intersection of art, human sensing, and technology. "Parallel" aims to showcase the potential of meaningful interactions between humans and machines through a unique blend of electronic music, choreographic designs, and immersion technology. 


The project's main components include self-made mechanical installations for music by Piyawat Louilarpprasert, visual media art by Duhan Zhang, and immersion technology facilitated by Praneeth Namburi. The collaboration of these artists and scientists aims to engage performers and audiences in an unforgettable art experience.

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The team has already completed mechanical instrument fabrication, visual art design, electronic music composition, immersion technology adaptation, and AI algorithm package validation. They have worked with the MIT Immersion Lab, ensuring the safety and feasibility of their installations. The project has garnered significant interest from MIT student and scholar groups, and the team is now in the final stages, ready to present the show to the MIT community during the IAP.

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Immersive Performance at MIT, May 1st, 2024

Dr. Piyawat Louilarpprasert and Dr. Duhan Zhang created their new collaboration "Do Machines Dream of Electronic Music?". In this Collaboration Dr. Louilarpprasert has created two sound sculptures consisting of a tube that can be spun by a mechanical rod. He controls these sculptures through a controller he built. These sculptures have a vast sound world from sparse and percussive sounds to continuous swelling drones. By controlling the speed and the direction Dr. Louilarpprasert is able to create an immersive sonic environment that envelopes the audience and space. Accompanying him is Composer, improvisor, and sound artist Dan Antoniu and renowned DJ Matthew Petrulavage. Using a variety of found objects, augmented guitar, and extended voice Dan will improvise by reacting and existing within Dr. Louilarpprasert’s sonic landscape. Using his DJ experience Matthew will channel his intuition capturing, cutting, processing, and playing back sounds that Dan and Dr. Louilarpprasert produce. By combining Dr. Louilarpprasert’s sculptures, with Dan’s improvisation, and Matt’s DJ abilities we hope to create a new sonic world for the audience to perceive.


This project is supported and sponsored by Council for the Arts at MIT (CAMIT), collaborated with MIT.nano.

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